
Sunday, 18 August 2013

Backbiting at Mchinji District Council: Juniors say DC is hard

By Pius Nyondo

Back-biting–apparent recipe for disarray–has ensued among employees at Mchinji District Council who claim that the present authority District Commissioner James Kanyangalazi is not ardent in addressing their concerns, Nyasa Times has established.

According to our source, Kanyangalazi is new in town– with no more than two months old– but is already leading with a heavy hand.

“He is very hard and no one likes him,” said our source.

The source also divulged to Nyasa Times that for the two months Kanyangalazi has been at the helm, the council’s direct employees have been receiving their salaries very late.

“When he [the DC] was probed, he said the council was not collecting enough money and that they are currently thinking of reducing the number of members of staff.”

Additionally, Kanyangalazi is allegedly also denying local newsmen in the district interviews.

“I once followed up a story on the salaries and I was condemned [by Kanyangalazi] for that,” one of the reporters who works in the district said.

According to the reporter Kanyangalazi, apart from denying him interviews, has refused to give him contact details including e-mails.

But a senior official at the council who did not want to be named described the allegations as unfounded and blatantly untrue.

“That’s surely the work of backbiters. People don’t like principled men,” he said.

In a telephone interview with Nyasa Times on Friday Kanyangalazi refused to comment on both allegations and referred this reporter to Mchinji District Information Officer (DIO).

“Where are you getting all this from? I have not been in the office for the past three weeks so talk to the District Information Officer,” said Kanyangalazi before cutting the line.

When this reporter tried to call the DIO, the number he was provided with could not be reached the several times it was tried.

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